6 Actionable Methods to Make Your Way Through Self-Criticism

Don’t trap yourself in negative self-talk. Recognize your best potential to shine your inner light.

Ruchi Thalwal
Ascent Publication


A girl peacefully basking in the nature.
Peacefully tread through life paths. Photo by Anthony Tran on Unsplash

The constant harsh self-criticism is crippling. The fear of not performing up to the mark traps us. Instead of moving ahead, we freeze.

It paralyzed me too.

I had endless drafts I kept on editing. Sometimes I jumped from one topic to another. I had countless stories to share.

But my inner critic slithers its head upwards and bit me endlessly. It took me five months to post my first long article. I took matters head-on to set my inner critic straight.

I found out instead of encouraging me to write more, I fanned my fears. Crazy! Isn’t it?

Self-criticism affects us all. We all judge ourselves, our actions, or words. The silent voice of judgment discourages us. It reasons you are not enough. This inner critic is one of the hush-hush enemies that hinder your growth.

The vital instinct of the primitive brain is survival. It looks out for dangers. The inner critic's primary function is to protect the body from outside threats and inner psychological balance.



Ruchi Thalwal
Ascent Publication

Periodontist turned Spiritual Mentor| Transform your anxious life to joy & higher consciousness. Grab FREE healing audio https://ruchithalwal.ck.page/f05058f288