6 Easy Ways to Stop Worrying About What Others Might Think of You

Nobody cares. And even if they do, why should you care?

Moreno Zugaro
Ascent Publication


I used to be like you. I used to worry about what other people thought of me. I held myself back trying to not rub anyone the wrong way. I was constantly walking on eggshells. A weird mixture of being too polite, afraid of embarrassing myself, and what I now can only describe as a need for approval got me to worry about what people around me thought of the guy with the weird haircut and questionable taste in music.

That was until I discovered a simple, but life-changing fact: Nobody cares about you.

Okay, maybe not nobody. I bet that for most of you, your parents and close friends do care about you.

But all the other people you worry about? All the strangers that you think give you weird looks or think you’re awkward in conversations? Unless you run over their dog with a lawnmower or find other ways to disturb their peace, they won’t care much about you at all.

So, if you look at it from this perspective, there really is no reason to worry.

There is only one teeny tiny little problem. You might know and understand what I said on a rational, logical level. But your brain is still going to give you 3rd order social…

