6 Psychological Reasons in Your Way of Reaching Any Goal

It all depends on self-control

Sude Hammal
Ascent Publication


In life, we all fail at reaching a specific goal. Whether it's related to your diet, exercise program, academic or financial success, relationship desires, or whatever it is, most of us fail at reaching the destination we foresee for ourselves at some point. Some of those goals we drop, some we persist and endure, and some we reach after our prolonged effort.

But what exactly we implement to reach these goals? What actions do we take or decisions we make either knowingly or unknowingly in terms of reaching our goals? What steps are we missing or what mechanisms should we be aware of to shift our failures into successes?

When the issue is reaching goals, self-control is the main subject we need to talk about. Without self-control, we couldn’t be able to reach any goal. But in our daily lives, there are a lot of barriers in the way of our self-control mechanisms. Here are the 6 major hindrances in the way of a successful self-control process.

Falling into the fallacy of time

Proposed by Daniel Kahneman and Aron Tversky, also known as the planning fallacy, is the fallacy humans tend to fall about how much time is needed to complete a future task or reach a goal by underestimating…



Sude Hammal
Ascent Publication

B.A. in Psychology. Lifelong learner. Writing about Psychology, Self, Writing, and other topics of interest. Weekly newsletter: ideasandscribbles.substack.com