6 Signs You Are Doing Meditation the Wrong Way

Meditation is a tricky practice.

Dipanshu Rawal
Ascent Publication


Photo by Mor Shani on Unsplash

Meditation is a tricky practice. Or at least that’s how it seems to be when you’re starting.

No matter what kind of meditation you try, no matter if you have a western meditation trainer or a monk from the Himalayas as your trainer — they will tell you the same thing — sit there, be there, and don’t try.

Well, eventually, that’s the first lesson you might learn — don’t try.

But as you grow your meditation practice, you will realize how tricky it can be. If we are not aware of where we are heading, we might actually miss the whole point of meditation.

Here are 6 signs you are doing meditation the wrong way —

You are chasing a time.

It could get really lofty seeing people meditating for hours and wanting to do the same.

Sure, you need to enter the beta-waves zone of your mind to get all the benefits from your meditation session.

Chasing a number will only distract you from being in the moment.

But if you’re beating yourself up for not meditating X minutes in a session, that’s definitely a wrong way of doing your meditation.

You are trying to…

