7 Beliefs to Help You Live an Interesting Life

A letter to my daughter

Caterina Kostoula
Ascent Publication


Photo by Simon Rae on Unsplash

You are six years old. I am so proud of you. I know you will follow your path and learn from your own mistakes. And maybe what worked for me will not work for you. Or the world will change so much that my wisdom will become irrelevant. So hold the following lessons lightly. I came to them through trial and error and sometimes a few tears. Maybe you will find them helpful. Are you ready to hear them?

1. You will often need to say no to something good to make space for something better.

I said no to a good job offer while I was unemployed. If I hadn’t, I would not have been hired by Google.

You need to say no to projects every day to focus on your priorities.

You need to say no to meeting several people so that you can build relationships with those who matter to you.

Your time and energy are limited. Every yes means that you say no to something else. So choose wisely. You can only live a life true to yourself if you learn to say no. Even to me.

2. You cannot love others more than you love yourself.



Caterina Kostoula
Ascent Publication

Helping you connect to your vision so that you live life to the fullest. Vision Coach at www.theleaderpath.com. Former Googler.