7 Limiting Self-Beliefs You Need to Let Go of Right Now

#1: You don’t have to be perfect in whatever you do.

Anangsha Alammyan
Ascent Publication


If there is one thing I have learned from all my 27 years of life, it is this: you create your own reality.

But, what of the reality that exists right now? You didn’t create it, you argue. Everything that happened in your past shaped you as a person and created this reality for you.

You cannot escape even if you wanted to, you add.

What if I tell you that your reality is a construct? The reality that feels so unshakeable to you is but one version in a million possibilities. It exists because this is the version you chose to spend a lifetime creating; a version based mostly on your limiting self-beliefs.

“But, what are limiting self-beliefs?” you wonder.

To put it simply, limiting self-beliefs are assumptions you have got about yourself and about how the world functions. These assumptions are shaped by the way you have perceived your experiences all your life. They hold you back from achieving your full potential and doing all that you are capable of.

Here are a few examples of limiting self-beliefs:

  • I am too old to start anew.
  • Why would people buy my art?

