7 SEO Tips to Rank Number 1 on Google in 2019

Curtis Tredway
Ascent Publication
Published in
7 min readSep 1, 2018

Today is the first day of Spring in Australia, which means Summer is right around the corner…and so is 2019.

It’s time you start working on your SEO to get the edge over your competition coming into 2019 and by following these 7 tips I am about to share with you, you will see a huge increase in traffic, conversions and SERP ranking.

If you don’t know what SEO is, I recommend you check out my recent blog post here, which explains the differences between SEO, SEM and SMM.

Improving your SERP rank is a timely process, I laugh at all the people posting on the various freelance apps wanting to rank number 1 in a week.

If you are one of those people, I have news for you, this is near impossible. Unless you spend a fortune on your link building strategy by purchasing existing domains and create inbound links to your site.If you have the money (I am talking 100’s of thousands) and are desperate to see fast results Check out Neil Patels video on 3 unorthodox ways to rank fast below.

For most of us mortals who don’ t have multiple businesses generating 6 + figures a month, we have to go for a more “orthodox” approach, however there are little tips to get results fast.

1. Pre-emptive SEO

A lot of digital marketers try jump on various trends once they have already gained a lot of traction. They will see what topics are trending by using tools such as BuzzSumo or Google Trends, however more often then not there will already be a lot of competition around those particular topics.

Wouldn’t it be amazing if there was a way to get yourself on these trends and ranking well around particular keywords before anyone else is even thinking about the?

The great news is, you don’t need to be a prophet.

It’s exactly what I have done with this article.

About two months ago I wrote a blog on 7 digital marketing trends for 2019 and then I stopped blogging after that.

2 months later I decided to have a look at my Medium profile and something crazy happened.

July to August 2018

My blog got views? As you can see during those inactive months I was averaging at about 3 views a day, however randomly, without posting these started to climb.

Google had started ranking the blog.

August to September 2018

This was all a part of my strategy, after conducting some research for marketing trends and predictions for 2019, there was very little content. So I wanted to be one of the first, and it worked.

The traction of this blog will only continue to pick up coming into 2019 as it becomes more relevant.

So what is this strategy? It is to produce content around your niche using a point in time ahead of where we currently at, as it allows you to get a competitive advantage in crowded niches. I.e. look on Instagram type in Summer 2018, there are over 8 million posts. Now type in Summer 2019 there are just 50 000.

So start producing content in your niche and use keywords and hashtags revolving around the coming months/years, your post will be ranking as a top and trending post for that category, and after not the time period will be more relevant which will only increase its exposure.

2. Content Clustering

Google’s current algorithms are rewarding sites that are producing strong content and have it all focused on niche topics.

Content clustering is a method of on-site Search Engine Optimization (SEO )that simply revolves around changing the structure of your site.

You can read all about it in my last blog right HERE

3. Google Search Console

If you are not already using Google Search Console…don’t worry that’s why I am here.

As described by Google, Google Search Console is tool that allows you to monitor and maintain your site’s presence with Google. I like to describe it to my non-IT savvy clients as “putting your website on the map”.

It’s a very simple process which you can follow right here. All it requires is a sitemap, which is exactly what it sounds like. It is a map to your site that allows Search Engines to read it better and as such, rank it better.

You can see results from Google Search Console within 72 hours.

4. Google Plus

I learned this trick from Miranda Bond, one of Australia’s leading digital marketers, founder of Mdigital and the makeup super brand, Inika, in a one-on-three training session.

You know the saying, make friends with the biggest guy in the yard? That is what you need to do with Google.

As a result of utilizing Google’s mostly free tools, you will be greatly rewarded as they want to incentivize you to stay on their platform.

(I predict that we will see much greater rewards for utilizing all of Google’s platforms in the near future as Amazon is devouring their search market share and Google will do what it takes to keep users on their own networks)

One of Google’s platforms that you will be rewarded greatly for is Google +, this long forgotten (was it ever really there?) social media network is one of your greatest SEO tools.

The reason being is that it indexes your content almost immediately, helping you improve SEO fast.

What you should be doing is copying all of your social media content from other platforms and posting it to Google + (always make sure you link to your site). You aren’t trying to send a message for a target audience here so there is no need to upload unique content, simply copy and paste and you will see instaSEO.

5. Google Business

Google business is another nifty little tool for your business and contrary to most people’s beliefs, you don’t need a brick and mortar site to set one up.

Google business will improve local SEO for anyone searching for related goods and services in your area. It can also contribute to developing a knowledge graph, which is visually appealing and generates more traffic to your site.

It also allows you to establish another point of contact and opportunity to generate leads.

6. Video

Use video!!

With 80% of internet traffic predicted to be spent on video need I say more?

Having a video embedded on your landing page will not only increase conversion rates, but it will also improve your bounce rate and overall time-on-site.

Google ranks websites that have a low bounce rate and high user retention rate as it is an indicator of your website having strong content and being relevant to your target audience. Google has placed a strong emphasis on the importance of its desire to put the right content in front of its audience by ranking the most relevant sites well.

That is why video is essential to improving search engine optimization in 2019, it keeps users on your page longer and reduces your bounce rate.

7. Content

The lucky seventh tip is content.

The true key to improving your SEO, is improving your content.

Every single website should have a blog and videos. I explained the reason behind the video in the section above, and the reason for the blog is just as important.

To rank well you need to have high quality content, be extremely informative and establish yourself as an expert in your niche. So many of my clients have blogs that are posting about absolutely anything within their industry, take a large make up brand I deal with as an example. They post trends, fashion, eyes, lips, skin care, celebrities, news, animal cruelty, and just about anything that remotely relates.

Whilst posting high quality content regularly is generally great for brand awareness, it isn’t necessarily good for SEO. It is the classic “jack of all trades, master of none”.

By posting content across a broad range of subtopics they are unable to establish themselves as an expert in that niche. If they wanted to rank well for “lipstick”, they are going to lose out against a brand that focuses solely on content related to lipstick as Search Engines will identify that site as the most relevant.

So my advice to you is to find your most popular product, service or niche and go crazy promoting that. Write most of your blogs focusing on that particular, even if your blog post isn’t related directly try find a way to link it and then include links to your other pieces of content.

As I said in the beginning, search engine optimization and improving your SERP ranking on Google, is a time consuming and difficult process. Though, if you follow these 7 SEO tips leading into 2019, you will see bigger SEO results faster.



Curtis Tredway
Ascent Publication

Will I author my own reality, or will I hand the pen to someone else? I am a digital marketing specialist and content creator with a dream to go international.