7 Things Highly Productive People Don’t Do

They understand that time is limited.

Toni Koraza
Ascent Publication


Photo by Toni Koraza on Unsplash

You can travel the world, write books, start businesses, and retire by the time you’re 35.

People that run 10 companies from a Yacht in the Mediterranean are real.

The good news is that you can be one of those founders with 10 companies and more free time than a toddler. The ideas and concepts are easy to understand. I’ve published 300+stories, wrote a novel, traveled 6 months this year, started a Medium publication and a digital agency in London, and lost 20 pounds while never having to lose a single second from my social life.

However, most people will never dare to take control of their time.

Focus on getting the right stuff done to achieve more in less time.

1. Highly productive people don’t create unnecessary conflict.

I’d rather wash the dishes myself every day than have to discuss who’s house chore it’s supposed to be that day.

Taking 10 minutes out of your day to avoid an unnecessary conflict feels good and keeps your mind focused on what’s important. Trust me, dishes are everything but…



Toni Koraza
Ascent Publication

The content guy — I help SaaS companies reach $100M ARR through product-led SEO. Founder at MADX.digital