7 Things You Can Do to Become Less Dependent on Technology

Simple tips for breaking your tech addiction

Olha Bahaieva
Ascent Publication
Published in
7 min readJun 22, 2021


woman and men with a laptop and other technics
Photo by ThisIsEngineering: Pexels

You’re guilty of it. Checking your Facebook, Instagram, or Snapchat notifications every 10 minutes to see if anything new has appeared.

When you can’t find something to do, you scroll through tons of other apps for a while and then eventually end up on your favorite app.

“It’s common for people to blame their phones, social media, email, or the scores of pings and notifications coming at us all day.”

— Rebecca Zucker in Forbes

It’s no surprise that constant use of technology is starting to take its toll on you mentally and physically. Do you know that the light from screens impacts your circadian rhythm as well as your ability to sleep at night?

Constant motion from checking your phone or playing a video game can lead to bad posture and RSI (repetitive strain injury). It’s no wonder that mental health experts are beginning to suggest a break from technology now and then.

The good news: it isn’t hard to take a break from technology — here are 7 ways you can start doing so today.



Olha Bahaieva
Ascent Publication

Lead UX/UI Designer, Mentor, UXDC Founder • UX/UI Design • Get 100+ UX/UI design tools collection: https://olhabahaieva.ck.page/52893cef89