7 Ways that Marie Kondo’s Method Mirrors the Law of Attraction

Dr. Paulette Sherman
Ascent Publication
Published in
4 min readMar 4, 2019
Photo by Timothy Buck on Unsplash

Our family watched Marie Kondo’s Netflix series, ‘Tidying Up with Marie Kondo’ and then started tidying up. It took time to reflect on her process and to realize that it mirrors many of the Law of Attraction principles that I wrote about in my first book, ‘Dating from the Inside Out.’ I’m not sure whether Marie knew about The Law of Attraction or if it’s coincidental, but here are 7 ways her method reminds me of the Law of Attraction:

1- Everything is Energy-

Marie Kondo greets your home and thinks about how possessions feel. She once worked at a Shinto Shrine (and although we can’t know how much this affected her approach), in Shintoism, there’s a belief that everything has sacred energy. In The Law of Attraction, everything is energy and, ‘like attracts like.’ Even invisible things (like your thoughts or feelings) are magnetic, so it’s important to focus upon on what you want to attract back.

2- Remove What You Don’t Want-

According to Kondo, if something no longer feels good you can release it, without attachment or investment. In the Law of Attraction, when you come upon a negative thought, you release it and focus upon what you do wish to attract instead. Since you can’t activate what is unwanted and wanted at once, it’s best to focus upon the latter.

3-Thank What You Release-

Sometimes when you release something it causes conflicting emotions. You may feel sad or guilty in doing so. Imagine a scarf that you loved that your mom gave you but it no longer suits you. In Marie Kondo’s method, you’d thank the scarf and your mom and release it. By acknowledging how it served you, you keep the good feeling and let it go with a sense of contentment and completion. In the Law of Attraction, if you have conflicting emotions, you’ll attract mixed results. So, it’s best to tidy up your vibration so it’s positive, present and clear.

4- Clarify Your Desire-

Marie Kondo encourages you to focus on what feeds you. This aligns your ongoing choices with your true self. Then there’s a match between your inner and outer priorities. If you saw the movie, The Secret, it illustrates how the objects you choose in your home impact what you’ll ultimately manifest in your outer life, so it’s best to choose wisely.

5- Focus on What Sparks Joy-

Marie Kondo suggests that you keep things that spark joy. In the Law of Attraction, joy and gratitude are very high vibrations. When you’re in this state of consciousness, you attract back the same and there are no conflicting energies about your past or your future. This positive presence is your point of power. Learning to hone your ability for discernment while creating your environment can help you practice it in other areas of your life, including work and relationships.

6- Creation is an Inside-Out Process-

Marie’s method invites you to make choices about your possessions and environment based upon what’s most important, right now. So, your environment says a lot about who you currently are. The Law of Attraction says that you create everything from the inside-out. First, you match your thoughts, feelings and inner vision with what you desire and then your outer world will mirror that (as long as you’re not offering mixed vibrations on the subject).

7- Envision of What You Want, Next-

When Marie Kondo was little, she cut out magazine pictures of the environment that she wanted. Today, Kondo suggests that people visualize the home and life that they want. This is a page right out of the Law of Attraction. When you can envision what you desire with positive emotion, you emit that vibration as if it’s happening now. This can attract it back in a variety of ways, which is why creating a Vision Board is a popular Law of Attraction tool.

I enjoyed that Marie Kondo’s tidying method is not just about making things, ‘look good’ in your life or home. It’s not intended to make things look good for other people. It’s an inside-out process of, ‘getting to know yourself’ that invites you and your environment to ‘feel good again,’ on a deeper journey that invites you into conscious alignment with your true self. This, ‘apartment therapy’ can create sacred space, both within and without.

Dr. Paulette Sherman is a psychologist, author of, ‘Dating from the Inside Out: How to Use the Law of Attraction in Matters of the Heart,’ published by Atria Books. Learn more here: https://drpaulettesherman.com/



Dr. Paulette Sherman
Ascent Publication

Psychologist, Relationship coach, podcast host of, ‘The Love Psychologist’ and author of ‘‘Dating from the Inside Out.’ www.DrPauletteSherman.com @kpaulet