8 Myths About Being Single That Are Entirely False

How these beliefs are making your single life harder than it needs to be

Kirstie Taylor
Ascent Publication


Photo by Isabela Catão

About three years ago, I purposely took a year off dating. I came out of two crappy back-to-back relationships, and I knew I needed to change the parts of my love life that made me unhappy.

It wasn’t an easy decision. After ten years of back-to-back relationships, my identity felt enmeshed with whoever I was dating. And, to be frank, being alone terrified me. People around me talked so badly about being single.

But that year off dating was THE BEST decision I made for myself. And my experience made me realize that people drastically undervalue their time being single. And the reason isn’t something they’re doing. It’s these myths that our society spreads.

Let’s talk about what those myths are, why they’re untrue, and finally stop spreading them. Because no one deserves to be miserable while single; if anything, you should be celebrating.

Myth #1: Your life will magically be happier when you’re in a relationship.

The problem with this myth is it’s based on the belief that happiness comes from outside yourself. Sure, a person can give you momentary happiness. But if…



Kirstie Taylor
Ascent Publication

Want to feel confident and secure when dating? Grab my 30-day dating guide, "From Anxious to Secure." kirstietaylor.com/guide // IG: @kirstietaylorr //