8 Reasons Why I Don’t Drink Alcohol Anymore

…and what it did to me.

Simon Ternyik
Ascent Publication


A few months ago I decided to drink no more alcohol anymore. Why? That is a question many people ask me. For sure: It’s quite unnormal for a young German Guy who lives in Germany. If I would be a woman everybody would ask: “Are You pregnant?”. But as a man, even if I have a little belly, this reason doesn’t fit. So after some questions, I tried to figure out why I don’t want to drink alcohol anymore. So here are my personal ten reasons, why I banned alcohol from my life. I don’t want to convert anyone. That is much too exhausting for me. I am not in the world to educate other people. But maybe my thoughts are valuable for one or the other. If not, at least I enjoyed writing.

1.) I want to live a life that I can endure soberly

Honestly, this is the main reason: I want to live a life that I can endure soberly. So many things are cool: But only with alcohol. For example: Being on a party that sucks totally. Boring people surround me. But hey: A glass of wine or some beers and everything is beautiful.All of a sudden, it’s not so bad here anymore. Wrong! It sucks. But you anesthetize yourself with some drugs. With the right drugs, you can have a great time everywhere. But I want to live a life, that I can endure soberly. I want to share my time with…



Simon Ternyik
Ascent Publication

Author, entrepreneur, social worker and manager of social and health services M.A. Writes about happiness, personal development, wealth, start-ups and stocks.