8 Successful Ways to Boost Your Motivation and Become a Beast

Ara Mambreyan
Ascent Publication
Published in
4 min readJun 28, 2018

When I was 14, I participated in International Astronomy Olympiad 2013 and failed to win a medal. Fast forward two years? I won record-breaking 4 International Science Olympiad medals in a single year.

When I participated in my first National Basketball Championship finals, I played exactly zero minutes. Fast forward two years? I was a member of the Youth Basketball Team of Armenia.

When I first began writing, my articles were getting 100 views at most. Fast forward a year? I have 20K followers and 8M+ views in Quora.

During all these years, I have realized that motivation is one of the biggest reasons why I am advancing forward. It is a skill that almost anyone can master.

Whether you are studying for your exams, writing a book or launching a new business, the process of motivation is the same.

Socializing with many hard-working individuals — both in International Olympiads and business spheres —and also having extensive personal experience, I have compiled 8 effective ways to transform yourself into a beast.

1. Know Your Goals

Before starting a journey, know your destination.

One of the top reasons why many people cannot work hard is the lack of clear direction. I have seen hundreds of people who are aspiring to a goal without knowing their reasons.

In school, students try to achieve competitive grades because they are told, “it’s good for you!”

Young kids aspire to become engineers because their parents tell them, “that’s what you are supposed to do!”

In result, many youngsters (and adults) have goals which are not desired by their hearts. If you do not wake up dreaming of your goals, then you are already at a disadvantage. Find what your heart truly desires and follow your path.

2. Surround Yourself With Like-Minded Individuals

Humans have a natural tendency to imitate the people they are socializing with.

When I was active in the basketball community, I was watching NBA all day long. In my science clubs, I was enjoying learning new knowledge and solving equations.

When we surround ourselves with individuals who are hard-working and passionate, we sub-consciously develop a tendency to emulate them.

3. Learn To Say No

An important aspect of staying motivated is to avoid the things that distract us.

Each time we face a situation where our minds boggle to wonderland, we have a choice: “yes” or “no.”

It is exactly that moment which decides the rest of our day. When we choose “yes, scroll down the news feed”, we lose our motivation to work hard and doing the undisciplined act becomes a habit for us.

Learn to say no.

4. Practice Healthy Competition

During my high school, we had a science club on Sundays. I was never productive on Sundays.

Yet, I always went there. Do you know why?

Because, each time, I went and saw my friend solve more problems, I got motivated to work harder than I did yesterday.

As humans, we have a natural desire to outdo our peers. As long as our ambitions are healthy, we can use them as extra sources of motivation.

5. Track Your Progress

Imagine you are traveling a rocky road on foot. Your legs cramp and you are hungry. Still, you keep going because you see that with each passing moment your destination is closer.

Achieving mastery is like traveling a rocky road. It is easy to lose your motivation if you do not see where you are.

You have to keep track of your progress and achieve small goals first.

6. Play A Game Of Self-Discipline

When I was studying physics and astronomy for Olympiads, I had a daily goal to solve 10 problems each day. When and if I reached my daily goal, I rewarded myself with a candy bar.

After some time, solving 10 problems each day became a habit for me and I soon started not needing the initial motivation from chocolate.

Humans are habitual creatures. Keep a calendar. Make an “X” over each day (or week) you successfully achieve your habits. Once your calendar is filled with crosses, following your habits will become easier.

7. Watch, Read And Listen Motivating Content

Let me tell you a secret:

Almost all successful people have failed in their lives.

Reading about their failures will make you realize that you are not the only one who felt like giving up.

Most people have it hard. Those who keep going are the ones who achieve their dreams.

8. Believe In Yourself

You can do it. You can do it. You can do it!

It doesn’t matter what your boyfriend says. It doesn’t matter what your teachers say. It doesn’t matter what anyone says.

If you have a vision, nobody sees it better than you do. Listen to your heart.

Fight! Roar! Struggle! Win!

Thanks for reading. In case, we haven’t met before, I am Ara Mambreyan :)

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Ara Mambreyan
Ascent Publication

Information Engineering, Cambridge (2021) | IPhO medalist 2x | 10M+ Views | National Basketball Champion 5x | SWE Summer Intern, Barclays (2019)