9 Life Practices to Make You More Successful

Eat. Work. Sleep. Repeat?

Rashi Desai
Ascent Publication
6 min readJul 3, 2019


Life is what happens when you’re busy making other plans!

The famous John Lennon saying reflects quite a paradox in our lives. The human behavior always tends to enjoy a peaceful ride, live the present moment, yet we can’t help ourselves but make future plans; to feel secure or plan to have a life equilibrium. I say, why not make plans?

The true experience of being alive is when all those plans succeed and the experience beyond those plans, what happens in our lives. That makes us humans. Planning and then expect the unexpected!

I’ve always planned my endeavors for the quarters, followed remarkable practices that made me face the challenges with much more confidence and subtlety.

1. Exercise every morning or meditate

Just as the morning exercise improves your metabolism, it also makes you ready to go on a war for the day. A good morning workout routine will help cultivate consistency. When I decided to follow this practice, my alarms missed me snoozing them! Early morning is the time of day when you’re least likely to have something just come up. This is the time to establish a consistent exercise schedule.

Morning exercise advances your physical and mental energy. Engaging in morning workouts is your all-natural cup of coffee. Wake up your body and prepare your mind.

Exercising in the morning every day makes you love your life!

2. Never stop learning: Learn new each day

Never stop learning, because life never stops teaching!

I’ve always found learning to be the candle of life. You learn, explore, experience and share. Self-growth is key to living a fulfilling life and having a successful career. The person who adapts, who is ready to learn new wins the most. You become irreplaceable to your team.

At the same time, staying humble is very important. With all the learnings, teaching is something that would follow. Personal development is a way to guarantee us serenity from within.

If you zig when others zag you will avoid being in the majority making it easier to rise to the top. It’s far easiest then to be great in a smaller pool.

3. Make your personal mastery your job

It all begins with a start.

There are times when you just band the desk and wish to leave your job. Some find activities besides the job for the ‘satisfaction’. I say ask yourself these questions just as you wish to convert your passion into your paycheck:

  1. Does the world need this?
  2. Am I good at this?
  3. Can I afford it at the time?
  4. Am I likely to quit?

Your job may keep you working on your best skill but it’s how you convert that one thing you’re best at into your passion projects. After all, it’s always fantastic to make your passion your paycheck!

Do what you love and love what you do!

4. Do the things that TERRIFY you!

Before starting out on most of my biggest achievements, I always asked myself if I was Ready For It. But then Let The Games Begin :P

At all the times, when I just jumped onto an endeavor without thinking much of the repercussions and merely thinking the journey as an enriching learning experience, I kept exploring and learning the most beautiful lessons of my life.

Fear is something that we all experience, but important is how we respond to it. Always remember that you will get through it! You cannot have success without failure. The world needs you and the things that only you can offer.

“An individual develops courage by doing courageous acts.” — Aristotle

5. Keep negative people ‘5 Feet Apart’

The one thing that made me suffer the most in high school was being around my “friends”. Negative people make you do things you cannot ever imagine yourself doing. Do not let small minds convince you what you are capable of doing. Negative people when rent space in your head, it’s sheer destruction of your mental space.

The less you respond to negative people, the more peaceful your life will be. It’s so nice when toxic people stop troubling you; looks like the trash is out in the can.

Neagtive people need drama like oxygen. Stay positive and take their breaths away!

From my experience, getting away from negative people is bliss; you achieve heights like there’s no pause.

6. Do a one-page plan for each week

Now, I am obsessed with planning.

Every Sunday evening, I already know how 90% of my coming week will look like, and I love it.

I also know not everyone would love and support it but planning the week ahead has helped me achieve to the best extent.

Time management is a challenge even for the most talented and motivated people. While planning the week in advance always helps to be consistent and disciplined, it also raises the productivity levels of yours! A weekly planner helps you keep track of all responsibilities at any given moment of time.

A good weekly task management software and planner will allow you to showcase the most important activities, keep track of them and avoid running out of time because of poor task prioritizing. Also, a reminder is never bad! A reminder from your weekly planner and the perspective of not finishing your to-do list today will help stop wasting time.

7. Be around nature to find a CALMER you!

Spend time with self for your self!

It is a known fact that every person at some point in their life looks up to nature for motivation.

But there’s much more to being around nature. While mobile phone manufacturers refer to the Himalayan color palette at sunrise to determine the color of their phones, nature has always been an inspiration to work.

Nature seeks to make us think more deeply about the impact that our lifestyle choices have on the planet. Being around nature contributes to your physical and emotional wellbeing, always. Even scientifically, nature had proven to be helpful to the work-life balance.

A natural environment helps you center your mind, gives your brain the downtime it needs to recharge. And, lowers the risk to be DEPRESSED!

8. Read for good 30 minutes every day

I never liked reading. Never.

The 300 pages of the novel scared me of ‘commitment’, not that I have commitment issues lol. But 4 years back, just wanted to read The Gone Girl and thus began my love story with reading.

I can honestly say that reading is probably the number one thing that changed my life to the better forever. I became a blogger and all good things followed. If there are only two things I have to recommend to anyone in this world, they would be exercise and reading.

Like every machine needs conditioning and maintenance for optimum operation, our brain too needs servicing. Reading good literature every day is the sustenance and updates for your brain.

Reading about something you love, enjoy makes you lose to its milieu. It is definitely so relaxing to forget all the tension while my mind wanders to new ideas and I get to live in someone else’s shoes. Reading for at least 30 minutes each day makes you download knowledge, get wise, process things better, get a dimension to the world around you.

Being empathic is one of the most important social skills. Reading is the thing that helps you enhance your empathy. And thus, read EVERY DAY!


Do I write anything more?😀

I’ve always had the fortitude to make a better version of myself every day. And all these habits inculcating in my daily sched has definitely helped me to improve and rejuvenate myself.

I am more balanced and calm now. There’s a certain discipline in my life. I do not get anxious or tensed excessively as compared to the ME! 3 years back. Finding your own worth or your true self is when you spend time with yourself, alone or with strangers around. But a PRO-TIP: DO NOT let your ‘friends’ let you decide You’re Worth It!

I hope this read helps you too! Happy reading!



Rashi Desai
Ascent Publication

An Analytics Consultant from Chicago & Top 100 writer on Medium. Everyone loves a good story & I tell mine with data!