9 Things I Learned about Internet so far…

Things you own, end up owning you — Tyler Durden

Sanidhya Singh
Ascent Publication
8 min readMar 13, 2018


Photo by Warren Wong on Unsplash

Ever thought about the importance of a pen? May be not until the day you didn’t have it when needed.

In the same way, we take many things for granted, like I took internet for granted and used it only for fun until I quit internet for about a month and tried to live without it.

At starting, I had decided to do it only for a week, to my wonder, I continued it for a month, yeah, I’m not lying I had used internet but only when it was too necessary, based on those experiences, here are 9 things I learned about internet so far:

1) Internet is a bubble

Michio Kaku, a theoretical physicist, talks about universe as a “bubble.” For him, it is one of the thousands or may be millions of the bubbles outside in the cosmos. We think universe as the biggest body, but it isn’t, it’s small, smaller than we can think.


Same goes with the internet, we think it’s very big, so big that we can spend our whole life surfing on it, which is certainly not true. There is a bigger and better life after the internet.

Think about the peoples of 50s or even 60s, they were alive, happily, even without the internet. So we can.

“May be internet have provided you a better life, that doesn’t mean that you can make internet your life.”

Think big, extend your boundaries of thinking. Things which seems to big, may be small to others, it’s just about the perception.

2) On internet everyone pretend themselves to be real but reality is an illusion

Likes, upvotes, followers, claps, stats, calorie calculator, add as many as you can, these all are bullshits. Do you think it’s real? Do you think your stats or the number of likes you got on your last post is the real measurement of the quality of your pics, videos or writings?

We people have created tricks to trick ourselves! Wow.

“Reality did not exists, it’s relative. The train travelling at 500 km/h for us is 0 km/h for the person sitting inside the train.”

Be aware on internet, 6 out of 10 posts I see in my feed on any social media are fake. I think, Medium is the most real social media I have ever been.

3) 9 out of 10 peoples use internet as a time killer, as an escape

Oh! wow, you worked for 8 hours continuously, now you need rest and you chose internet.

Okay, I appreciate it, you must be here to read a good article, or update yourself with the latest news, or to watch videos to move a bit towards your goal of interest, but no, you chose internet for fun. You will go and watch those crappy videos on YouTube, or view near nude images of men and women on Instagram, or stalk profiles of girls on Facebook or may be, finding your new match on Tinder, or, at worse, watch porn.

If you did the same, you are not alone, you are among those 90% peoples on internet who are here for an escape, a lie to themselves.

I was the same. Now, before I open browser, I ask myself the purpose. If it can only be solved with internet, then only I proceed further, otherwise I try to make distance from it.

4) Psychologically, our creativity is being murdered by internet

How can a person learn cooking when he/she is getting everything to eat on table?


For example, here is what a sketch artist have to say about his work:

As a sketch artist, I appreciate my ability to Google things I want to draw for a reference point, but that doesn’t make me more creative. I already had the image in my head and the ability to draw. I honed my skills drawing people the old fashioned way, looking at pictures in books or live subjects and practicing till my fingers were going to fall off.

In my opinion, the internet also encourages people to copy the work of others that goes “viral” rather than creating something truly original. The fact that you can monetize that viral quality also makes it more likely that people will try to copy rather than create.

In contrast, sometimes internet boosts creativity. But, that’s rare, peoples are more obsessed with an easier road.

5) Internet made everything “easily” accessible

What do you want?

Pizzas, shoes, bags, watches, shirts, pants, grocery, anything else?

Don’t worry, they are just a click away.

Gone are the days when peoples have to cover distances, so that they can get the things, they desired. Now everything is accessible from one place, sitting on the couch, with a big belly.

I have no problem with this new trend, it saves lot of time, I know, but all I worry about is the fading peoples hardship to get the things they wish for, it makes us lazy. It makes the traps in between you and your goal, invisible.

6) Internet make us impatient

Hey, if I’m not wrong, it’s been more than 5 minutes you’re reading this article. I’m sure, thoughts like this must be arising in your mind: When this article will be over?, Let’s skip the details and just read the headings and quotes? Isn’t it?

Photo Source

I know, it happens, with me, with you, with everyone. There are so many interesting contents out there, waiting for your eyeballs to catch’em, you have to give them their time.

But, what I want to say is be patient, give contents the time they demanded, be calm. Read full articles, watch full videos and movies, read books from first page to last, understand the writer, author, director. If they did any mistake, learn from them. If they done it awesome, well….again, learn from them.

7) Internet had made us unsatisfied

When was the last time you felt like, hey, I have everything I wanted, from now I want to live the life to the fullest.


Don’t blame yourself, it’s due to the feeling called “comparison,” which is helping us as well as destroying us from ages.

Comparison is everywhere. Internet just amplify it and show you how far you are from the luxurious life of celebrities, models, actors and famous sports personalities. They make you believe that “this is the life a human should always wish for.” They make you buy unwanted things of expensive brands. They, overall, make you an another unsatisfied soul, depressed of his/her life, not happy with his/her “small” success.

They make the best version of yourself, a worst version of themselves.

8) Social media has un-socialised us.

Thousands of years ago, Aristotle, a Greek philosopher, once said:

Man is by nature a social animal; an individual who is unsocial naturally and not accidentally is either beneath our notice or more than human.

Yes, we’re a social animal. We crave for others approval. We spend hours editing best out of 1000th selfie taken in the past 15 minutes to satisfy our endless ego. Yes, we make fake IDs to appreciate our own posts, still we sleep, unsatisfied, jealous, hungry for approval. Yes, we post pics and share videos to “show off” how happy and insecure we are. Yes, we spend more hours chatting to unknown peoples, than visiting friends next door and meeting the real peoples.

Yes, we’re still a social animal, even in 21st century, what’s different is that it’s more virtual than real.

9)Internet is the king of distractions

Okay, let’s say you have a question “How can I swing a football?”

Where will you go? Google or YouTube, mostly.

Let’s first try Google, here is the screenshot of the top searches for the term “How.” This is what most peoples of your country is searching for. Didn’t you feel a kind of excitement inside you to check, just for minutes, some of the top searches. (Exceptions are many, but, still)

Let’s do the same with YouTube. You will be stuffed with ads and recommendations before you even type anything.

Definitely, if you’re focused enough you will reach your desired video or website, where some more unwanted things are waiting for you.

This is why a person who uses YouTube for 5 minutes, ends up binge watching series of endless interesting videos. Well, there are many apps which can stop these distractions, but the whole thing is that, the environment internet provides us is full of distractions, and no one can escape from it.

Summing up

Internet, is and will, one of the greatest inventions in the mankind after wheels and machines. When there will be any book written on the human beings, from early man to robots, internet would be in the bold letters.

I agree, it provides us a platform to put our views and opinions with the peoples, throughout the world, even without it I wouldn’t be able to write what you’re reading. I agree, it had bought revolution in media culture. I agree, it had given millions of peoples a purpose of life. It had changed us and a change was necessary.

But, everything has its value and someone have to pay it. In the same way, nothing is free on internet. We, in return of the services provided, have to pay something. That is, by far, our precious time. Yes, on internet, your time is used as an asset. Every second you have been here had paid someone’s bill for their daily meals.

Humans, by nature, is either greedy or liar. In order to fulfill their greedness, they can cross limits, sometimes. History is the witness to the fact that every time humans have crossed these limits, we had to pay for it.

There are series of research going on the human psychology, what they like, what they dislike….and these researches are used in the making of websites that trap peoples like a bird in the cage, that’s what Facebook did, that’s what Instagram did, that’s what, without exception, every website did.

That is, the curse of internet:

Things you own, end up owning you — Tyler Durden

Hey there, this is Sanidhya Singh. If we’re meeting for the first time, I say hi to you. You can, if interested, follow me here. If you liked this post can share to peoples who are sick of internet and a clap, is always, appreciable.



Sanidhya Singh
Ascent Publication

I observe. I feel. I do. I fail. I repeat. I learn. I write. I move-on.