A Leap of Faith

Scott Davenport
Ascent Publication
Published in
3 min readMar 18, 2017

Below are the posts that have followed the original “A Leap of Faith” below. I’ve been encouraged by the response so far and look forward to writing more.

D — Do Our Best

E — Enter Into Quiet Time

C — Cease Anxious Thoughts

I — Ignore Temptation to Make Money the Goal

S — Seek advice from those around us we trust

I — Inquire about opportunities that open for us

O-Organize your life in preparation for change

N — Navigate yourself to your calling

I sit here on the cusp of something really exciting. I am going to take a moment for myself and my family starting April 7th. Away from work and being @somecompany.com I’m just going to be me @gmail.com, just for a minute. I have lists of things I’ve wanted to do for the last 20 years and I’m going to do them, lots of fishing, family fun, coding school at The Iron Yard and even a NASCAR race with one of my closest friends who never thought he’d see the day, lots of fishing! (did I say that already???) The decision to do this wasn’t easy and it didn’t come without a lot of prayer, preparation, and hard work but in the end, it was very simple…we are worth it. I didn’t want to wake up one day having climbed to the top (whatever that means) and never really enjoyed any of it. So, I’m doing this is for me and my family, taking a deep breath and seeing what God has in store for us. He has proven faithful in my journey and as I’ve drawn nearer and become more dependent He trusts me with more and more.

I will share some of the techniques I’ve used throughout the years to cope with challenging situations whether it be a career change like this (chosen or chosen for me), the passing of my father after a 2 year bout with cancer or even how I organize myself on a daily and yearly basis to achieve my goals. You will also see I’m a constant tinkerer I always assume there is a better more efficient way to do just about everything in my life (finally tinkered enough with this to post it 😋). Since I started my career in IT I have always strived to do something today that will make tomorrow easier. I’m very fortunate to be in the position I am right now and I promise myself and my family I won’t waste this time, it is a gift.

Writing on a whiteboard is one of my favorite things when faced with a challenge.

This blog is going to start with a technique I used to make this decision. As you will see through my writing I research, and research and research. I tell my kids with YouTube and Google you can do, build or fix just about anything you want. So, I did a quick search for “how to seek God when making a decision” and up popped this link. I’ll spend the next handful of blogs going through how each letter in this acrostic spoke to me and how fulfilling it was when the decision was clear and I had followed through my promise to live this out.

I hope the things I’ll be sharing can help people in some way deal with challenging circumstances or even prepare for exciting life changes. I’ve certainly been humbled by the encouragement I have received from family and friends to make this leap of Faith and I can’t wait to see where things go from here.



Scott Davenport
Ascent Publication

Husband, father, follower of Christ and a gadget geek! If it turns on I’ll give it a look.