4-Step Daily Ritual to Live a More Fulfilling Life From a Tibetan Monk

This doesn’t seem hard if you ask me.

Dipanshu Rawal
Ascent Publication


Photo by Peter Luo on Unsplash

Two weeks ago, I met Karma Yeshe Rabgye, a Tibetan Buddhist monk. I told him my deep desire and chase for a meaningful and peaceful life. I know I am already on the track, but I wanted to learn from the best.

Exactly my point, if you want to learn more about peace and meaningful life, who would be better to guide you than a monk?

Karma Yeshe Rabgye is a Western Monk in the Kagyu tradition of Tibetan Buddhism. Originally from England, he now lives in Northern India. He teaches Buddhist philosophy, mindfulness, and meditation in various countries around the world.

We had an almost two-hour conversation. And it won’t be an understatement if I say that conversation changed my life.

The wisdom I received in those two hours changed many of my life plans and altered the way I perceive all the situations.

In specific, he asked me to follow a 4-step ritual to live a more fulfilling life. Here’s that 4-step ritual —

Step 1: Morning Meditation Practice

He asked me what kind of meditation practice I follow. I used to practice zen meditation, where you focus on breath…

