Acceptance and perseverance aren’t simple

Reality is different and hits you very hard.

Ascent Publication
4 min readSep 9, 2017


The mental picture of your ideal life

You will be reading a lot of blog posts, hearing from others, learning from books and creating this mental blueprint of how to change your life around for good by following a series of steps, creating certain mindsets and going through a plan.

You gain temporary peace and happiness by dwelling on this blueprint, thinking that you can implement it sometime and that the option is always available.

But that damned turnaround never comes at all.

The reason is simple. Being there is completely different from hearing or reading about it.

My experience with it

I have surfed the web and read through countless ways to become more fit. I have mentally noted exercise methods and specialized diet plans, that I always plan to follow sometime. I know that I can get in better shape by following what is in my mind.

I always get this weird sense of happiness by dwelling on this plan and how it will change me. I spend more and more time improvising the plan.

Now all that’s left is to follow what I have in my mind.

Reality versus imagination

However, each and every time I step out to pursue my blue print and work towards my goal, reality hits me hard. Working out my plan is difficult. Very difficult, indeed. Being there, doing what I had in my mind is completely different from how I felt in front of my computer reading about it. While doing the exercises, I dread the thought of having to do them again. I feel like I can’t continue doing it for one more second. I yearn to return to my normal peaceful life, sitting in front of the television on the couch, with a bag of chips in my hand. The thought, ‘I can’t do it’ resonates and fills the air with the same vibe.

The fear of having to do this again prevents me from persevering. No matter how hard I try, I find it very difficult to accept the fact that I have to make this a part of my routine. This puts me in a thought loop which ultimately forces me to give up.

The next time I think of the plan, I get the same fear which tries to stop me from trying again.

Many of you might have similar experiences like this with your plans and blueprints about life.

Doing and following is completely different from knowing

We know that in order to be happy and successful, we need to persevere. We know the theoretical knowledge about greatness. We know the importance of hard work and dedication in shaping an individual’s life.

But the intensity of really following it and persevering is very large, by a hundredfold. The level of emotions at play is very high and can ultimately force an individual to give up. If you don’t know what I am talking about, you should try implementing the mental blueprints and plans that you have been creating for your life.

In order to accomplish something, this is exactly what you have to overcome. The real ordeal. The high intensity. The feeling of giving up.

What can be done?

That is exactly what this post has been saying. Whatever plans and blueprints you make, it gets real tough and hard only when you start doing it. And that’s when you know what is to be done. Maybe, not even then.

You may give up one time or the other. But make sure that you continue doing it. Even if it makes no sense, persevere. Continue fighting against the feeling of giving up. If you give up, make sure to try again. Continue your process with the hope that light will reach you at the end of the tunnel. Whether you reach the light or not, the way you travel and work towards reaching it is what matters and that is what defines you as a human being.

As human beings we are all designed to persevere and fight, and enjoy the process of doing so.



Ascent Publication

Amiable, introverted and awkward 20 year old. I write here to bring together my love for writing and life, and help others in the process. Happy living.