All the feels…after the game

Notre Dame vs. Navy

Christine Denker
Ascent Publication


I had no skin in the game. I’m not a fan of either of these teams. I don’t know a lot about them other than their records and that they have played against each other for 91 consecutive years.

There’s history, and there’s a genuine respect between them.

How do I know this?

I watched what happened when the game was over.

After the game concluded and the teams shook hands, both teams headed to one corner of the stadium. The Navy players stood in front as the Navy band, midshipmen, and players sang the Navy fight song. The Notre Dame football players and coaches stood respectfully behind them.

Then they headed to the opposite corner where Notre Dame head coach Brian Kelly stood flanked arm-in-arm with his senior football players while the rest of the players were arm-in-arm behind them, and they sang the Notre Dame fight song. The Navy football players and coaches stood behind them.

It seriously had all the feels.

As the commentators said, there’s a lot wrong in our world, but today showed the good. It showed the respect, the tradition, and the love. Not just for the game but for each other. It was a lesson in humanity and gratitude.

I realize that last sentence might sound like a bit of a reach because it was a football game, but if you saw it you know what I’m talking about. It was something to behold as well as something to hold onto.

Think about something that seems mundane to others, but gives you all the feels. A memory. An experience. An item. When it comes to mind, you feel a sense of warmth and a slight smile comes to your lips. It’s something to hold onto.

Just like a football game.

Thanks for reading! Writing about everyday experiences through a positive lens is what I do. If this piece resonated with you, check out my blog, Everyday Life Uncluttered.

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Christine Denker
Ascent Publication

Podcaster, Writer, Adventure Seeker, and Educator. Always pursuing my true North.