Always Be…

Jeff Cairo
Ascent Publication
Published in
4 min readApr 15, 2018

One of the first things we learn in sales is the acronym A.B.C (Always Be Closing). You don’t have to be in sales to have that mantra. In fact there are other affirmations that can follow the words always be..

I will start with the original Always Be Closing. Closing is when two parties are coming to an agreement in a transaction. If you want to get anything done you have to be the one to communicate the quickest and get someone to agree so that you can move on to the next thing. We learn this when we are young and trying to get our parents to listen to our “deals” we make with them. It is either you sell someone on an idea or someone sells you on something.

Always Be Consistent. We realize that life is a roller coaster. There are many highs an lows but if you maintain consistency you will be able to weather the storm. We have all heard the saying “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results”. If you put a process in place on how you handle situations you will develop a consistent behavior. You have to be consistent in work life and your personal life. It takes 30 days for something to become a habit. After that it should be just as easy as brushing your teeth everyday.

Always Be Charismatic. Have you ever met someone that you say “Wow, they are just a really nice person” Being charismatic means that you have this compelling way about yourself. When you speak, people listen and they know that you are listening when they speak as well. Charming people are not cocky because they are confident enough that they don’t have to be full of themselves. They have a way about them that people just want to be close to.

Always Be Careful. Making good decisions for you and your family is a must. You have to protect yourself at all times from your choices or someone else’s. Don’t drive a car while you’ve had one too many you are endangering everyone’s lives. Wear a helmet if you are going to drive a motorcycle. Be aware of your surroundings in case an incident occurs and you have to run to safety. I’m not saying we have to be afraid of the world I’m saying be careful and be ready at all times.

Always Be Caring. People can always sense someone who doesn’t give a shit. That guy at work who walks in and is just there to collect his paycheck and doesn’t have an impact on anything. That women that walks by an older person and chooses not to help them by holding a door or letting them go first because we are so called in a “rush”. You have to have empathy for people. Everyone has a story. Is it more important than your own? No! But people sometimes just need to be shown that in fact there are people out there who care about one another.

Always Be Honest. Integrity is an important trait to have. People have to be able to trust you. They have to know when you speak that it is believable. And if they confide in you that you will put it in the vault. We also have to be honest with ourselves. Self-awareness on who we are is key. If something isn’t going to be in our best interest then we must move on.

Alway Be Humble. You are not better than everyone. You have to understand that at some point there will be someone who is. able to do it better, faster,cheaper, etc than you. And guess what thats ok. If you are good at something share with people your journey that got you there. If it works out better for them and they achieve more congratulate them. Don’t discourage them.

Always Be Positive. People will shy away from toxic people or at least they should. It is not healthy to be negative all the time. Things happen for a reason that is out of our control. If a bad situation occurs try and look for the bright side. You can see the physiology of a positive person. They walk tall, they have a smile on their face and are looking to conquer what ever life throws at them.

Always Be Failing. The more things we try the more we fail. The more times we fail gives us life experiences. The more life experiences we have make us what we will ultimately become. Fail forward.


Always Be Yourself. We have this urge where we are competing with everyone around us. We feel that if we don’t have materialistic items we are losing. We feel that if we aren’t fit and in shape we will be looked down upon. We feel that if we aren’t as good looking as the people around us that we will be shunned by the world. We have to remember that we were all made one at a time and all have special attributes. Its what we have on the inside the matters. We shouldn’t care what other people think and try any please the world. Please yourself first everyday. Rinse and repeat.


