Are Our Interests Genetic?

It may be that each of us have an ideal genetic mold that we can pour ourselves into if we so choose; if we do this, we may maximize our abilities and immensely thrive in these particular fields or occupations or hobbies.

Mihal Woronko
Ascent Publication


Photo by Arif Wahid on Unsplash

Two years ago, I bought my first home. A very modest house, it’s situated on a fair chunk of land — for a suburb anyway. We had made the purchase in the winter and it was not until very early spring that we moved in. Not long after, the snow began to melt and, as it did, something began to awaken inside of me: the prospect of gardening.

Don’t worry, this post won’t consist of stories about my relentless snow peas, my vertically sprawling cucumbers, my prolific tomatoes or my underwhelming hot peppers. It’s about something else — about something I don’t necessary understand but would describe as genetic pre-disposition and/or unintended subconscious preference.

As the snow melted, something simply clicked inside of my mind. I had plans, upon moving in to my home, to change the kitchen floor, to knock out the old chimney, to work on the insulation in the attic but these had been cast aside faster than the weeds I had been ripping out of the soil beds that same spring. I was possessed — I assembled a network of raised vegetable beds…

