Are They a Subject or an Object?

A technique on how to relate to other humans. It’s not just with MLM’s — this affects everything.

Tyler Kleeberger
Becoming | Human


Made by Tyler Kleeberger on Canva — “Let’s Start By Saying You”

We hadn’t seen each other in quite some time, years even. When you get that message asking to meet and catch up, there is a joy, an excitement; there is a hope for rekindled interaction and the ability to piece together time apart and share the stories that have brought you to this season of life.

When my friend asked to meet for coffee, that hope was the assumption that tinted my understanding of what was happening.

I was wrong.

Apparently, my friend had a contact list of who they needed to try to sell a product to and, even though it had been a while since we talked, I was an opportune buyer if they could simply reestablish the connection. They needed something and I was a potential character from whom they could get it.

So we met for coffee.

After some cordial yet quick greetings, they made the ask. I honestly don’t remember many of the details — just that they found this organization with this product line and it changed their life. Apparently, it could change my life, too, albeit for a consistent monthly price.



Tyler Kleeberger
Becoming | Human

Pursuing what it means to be human so as to build the best world possible. Practical ethics through in-depth exploration. Becoming Human: