Are You Swimming Upstream Or Following Your Bliss?

Image by 2331323 from Pixabay

Follow your bliss. The message zagged through my brain with the charge and sizzle of a lightning bolt. In one moment, my world reorganized.

I had been slogging through some work I wasn’t well suited for, feeling miserable and wondering how I would manage to both be productive and feel happy.

Follow your bliss. Find what flows. Don’t push through the difficult tasks that bog you down. It is time for a change.

Nobody is going to do this for me. Make this change. Make this choice to navigate towards my desire, to how I wish to live and do what it will take.

My ambition and perseverance had trapped me. What I was accomplishing was coming at too high a price. I had put myself into a box that was too small for me.

Although I understood intellectually that suffering to reach my goals wasn’t how I wanted to live, I didn’t know another way. I was relying on survival strategies that weren’t nourishing for me. I didn’t know how to trust that as I put each foot down into greater aliveness, the ground would be there to hold me.

And I needed a bigger box. One that would hold more of me, and enable more access to joy. Those were the two issues. Creating the box that…

