6 Ways You Can Have Fun At Yoga Festivals on a Budget

Here’s how I do it for less than $250, all-inclusive.

Fiona Y.
Ascent Publication


Photo by Kaylee Garrett on Unsplash

Note: I am not affiliated with any of the programs/companies that may be mentioned in this post. This is just an honest summary of my experiences!

If you are one of those people who enjoys the benefits of yoga — improved strength and mobility, a sense of grounding, and improved flexibility thanks to all that stretching — you might want to try a full-on festival. Imagine several days of unlimited classes with high-profile teachers, usually set in scenic locales close to mountains/lakes/oceans, with lots of friendly people, great live music and tons of cool experiences beyond your standard vinyasa (stand-up paddleboarding, hiking, sound baths, breathwork, kayaking, rock climbing…) essentially a weekend wellness getaway.

Yoga gets a bad rap sometimes for being an expensive privileged hobby (which it really doesn’t have to be at all — I mostly practice in my house by watching YouTube videos). Festivals are not immune to this, but from my personal experience, the takeaways one can get for personal development and self-care make attending one worth it. I’ve learned about topics ranging from “how to do a handstand” to “the history of how the female anatomy was named.” I’ve met lots of normal everyday people — men and…



Fiona Y.
Ascent Publication

A writer-scientist who makes mistakes so you don't have to. Editor of The Angry PhD. Sign up with my link: https://medium.com/@fionay/membership