Average Lifetime Value; reducing Facebook Ads stress.

Are your Facebook ads keeping you up at night?

Tara Fitness 🔥 Minimalist Solopreur
Ascent Publication


“A close-up of a smartphone homescreen” by Rami Al-zayat on Unsplash

Earlier this month I packed my bags and walked out the front door. Before reaching for the handle, I turned back for one last look, releasing an audible sigh as I flicked off the lights for the last time… I closed the door with a clunk, then promptly turned on my heels and walked away. I had just closed my personal training business.

Almost 4 weeks on, I feel like a traveller even though I haven’t left home. I’m wandering the world of online entrepreneurship, trying to find my place. Luckily, I’d foreseen this possibility and taken a Facebook Ads course earlier this year.

After almost 3 years of running my own business, I was pleasantly surprised at how much I already knew. In fact, most of the new learning for me was around setting up the systems to run ads for others.

Thankfully, this skyrocketed my confidence as, earlier this month, I found myself going all in on what was supposed to be my side hustle. It hasn’t all been smooth sailing, but one thing that’s really kept me calm is this…

Knowing my numbers!

The human brain is a complicated thing… sometimes too complicated for its own good. Unfortunately, when we don’t know something…



Tara Fitness 🔥 Minimalist Solopreur
Ascent Publication

Teaching you how to get leads in DMs without being a dick / Documenting my journey as a Minimalist Solopreneur