Be the change you want to see in your company

A reflection on the way we communicate, some work experiences​ and the lessons I’ve learned from them. ​

Norma Coker
Ascent Publication
2 min readMay 25, 2016



May 25th, 2016

Last week I got an advisory letter from HR for being late, I got mad and ranted about it in my blog. Don’t get me wrong, I love my job and I love my company, (and I’m not writing this because I know my boss will read it on his iPhone later in the day).

What got me going that day was that I felt trapped and powerless, stuck in an old era where technology and freedom of speech don’t exist. But okay, now that I stated the problem in my previous post I will bring you the solution, sponsored by my boss, strict but smart I think this time he’s right.

In the cultural battle between the individual and the corporation, the individual is winning, and to work with no rule book and no schedule like entitled, indulgent and needy millenials like myself want to, we need to set goals.

Goals that achieve mission driven and purposeful work, goals that require specific metrics to measure the quality of your job instead of the hours you sit on your chair scrolling through Facebook.

How many workshops will you organize this year? How many likes will you gain on Facebook and Instagram each month? How many views will you have on Snapchat? How many newsletters will you send? Where will you be speaking publicly? What will you write about your company’s work on the media? All of these questions have to be answered and measured with numbers and specific objectives, and if not accomplished I’ll risk my salary, my masters degree and my job. If I excel I will accomplish my goal and conviction that companies of the 21st century must see their staff as individuals and measure their work by their accomplishments and not by the hours they spend at the office.

Millennials aren’t real, we are just like everybody else. But, what I do think is real is the fact that in this hyper connected world, the best way to work is working around the clock, wherever you are, whatever you’re doing. Do what you want just get your work done.

It may not be easy, it is a risk but I believe it’s the future... “yass literal epic fail hashtag, bro”, now who’s with me?

Read: Corporate America chases The Mythical Millenial

