Becoming Minimalist

How I Decluttered My Life And Gained Perspective

Dillon Carter
Ascent Publication


It seems as though growing up is harder than I had expected. My world is changing faster than I can seem to keep up with. I thought life was quite simple yet, it felt the complete opposite. As my mind grew with curiosity of this world, the good and the bad, the more cluttered my head felt.

I quickly found that I had no idea what I wanted to do with me life. I still cannot answer this one simple question. With the barriers lowered to learn or be anything in this world, I felt paralyzed with too many opportunities. Talk about your first world problems.

With so many options, curiosities and interests, how does one pick? The more I delved into and learn about new things the further behind I became in life.

I finally realized just how unhappy I was with my life. I hadn’t achieved the fame or fortune I craved because I wouldn’t stick with something longer than a month. My mind roamed and so did my actions.

I learned amount this thing called minimalism and how it was helping people simplify their lives, have more money and find purpose in this world. I began implementing, changing my habits and becoming more focused. I noticed that the more things I got rid of in my life, the happier I became.

The less money I spent, the more money I had. The less things I had, the less things I felt I needed. I quickly simplified my life and became more focused. My mind felt clear and I wrote more.

I delved into what really made my happy through writing. The more I wrote the more I understood who I am as a person. I was able to figure out exactly what made me unhappy. I wrote everthing down and changed my life. I stayed away from the things that I knew would end badly while increasing the amount of time I spent on things that increased my happiness.

I streamlined my happiness and got rid of all my crap!

The first thing I did was decluttered my environment. I needed a place where I could be comfortable and think without distractions. My bedroom, my closet and most important, my office became a place for me to focus and get things done. The only things allowed to stay on my desk is my notebook, lamp and phone.

If it isn’t essential, you don’t need it.

The next thing I decluttered was my virtual life. My Mac has zero icons on the home screen and my background is something I enjoy looking at. I started using applications like Alfred and Found to make it easy for me to work. I have complete access to everything I need without having to dig through my hard drive or remembering which cloud account it was on. I just search and it’s there.

I also began to plan out my days and changing my environment depending on what I wanted to do. Each day I should have at least three major things to accomplish for my day to be considered successful and they must progress me towards my goal. I noticed I enjoyed writing more at Starbucks so all of my writing is done there. Changing your environment can greatly increase your work flow and productivity.

This was more of a ramble than a post, but writing helps me clear my thoughts. The more I write the more my life seems to make sense. I hope this makes sense to someone…

