Before You Climb, Make Sure the Ladder is Placed to the Right Wall

Haley Pace
Ascent Publication
Published in
7 min readJun 29, 2019


Via Unsplash

It’s not about how fast you can climb the ladder. It’s about what wall the ladder is placed on and if it’s the right wall for you.

There’s a certain rat race involved with scrambling to achieve, regardless of what it is. Comparing our lives to others on social media heightens this mad dash, making us feel like we need to be acknowledged, need to be special, need to be successful.

It can be tempting, because living a life based on what looks good to others is often met by validation, money, fancy new cars, impressive technology. The happy chemicals these acquisitions triggers within our brain feels suspiciously like genuine happiness… until it fades. Until you want the next promotion. The next Tesla. The bigger house.

You may think getting to the top of worldly ambition guarantees happiness. However, when Stephen Covey was researching successful individuals for his must-read Seven Habits of Highly Effective People, he found that they often lived hollow, empty, unfulfilled lives. These individuals were meant to represent the pinnacle of human achievement, the highest earners, the highest achievers, the lives we are meant to emulate.

How can that be? Isn’t happiness tied to the commas in your bank account, the title on your business cards, the status you…

