Before You Quit Your Job

Jeff Cairo
Ascent Publication
Published in
3 min readApr 7, 2018
Photo by Tim Gouw

Its Sunday Evening and the anxiety of going to work Monday morning is full steam ahead. But why?

Are you working a dead end job with no room for advancement? Did you take the position based on false promises? Do you work for a toxic boss that has nothing good to say? To anyone!

We are taught at a young age that we have to follow a certain path. We are pressured to do good in school so that we can go to college to land that perfect job. We lose our minds chasing a clock because we feel time is running out. When in reality you have to realize that everyone has their own clock and their own time frame.

Fast forward 10 years and your in a career that you feel trapped in because you followed someone else’s path. You work 9–5 and at 4:50 you have one hand on the door to leave. Why do we do this to ourselves? Let me tell you why. We chase money before passion. We have responsibilities that cripple us with fear. So what do we do? Quit? No! We cant do that! Hop from job to job? No! Who wants to keep starting over.

I hear people say all the time I’m so happy I left that company. And months later they regret it. A job should have one of three things. It should be a place where you like the people you work with. Two, it should be a place where you can individually make an impact. And last it should be a place where your company can make a difference in the world. The grass is only green where you water it not on the other side.

So before you quit you job the first thing is you should do is find balance. If it is at all possible use your income to FUND your passion. My father always taught me is to have multiple streams of income. Having a side gig doesn’t mean your cheating on your employer. Maybe someday your side gig employs others and then you are the boss. Possibly you are in corporate america and tired of having multiple bosses. And you work 9–5 for them and 7-midnight for yourself long enough and you can escape the rat race. Leverage your time, your money and your experience.

An affirmation is a thought based on a feeling. When we complain or bitch and moan over and over again we are only making it worse for ourselves and the people around us. Ear poison is the greatest demise of the brain. Don’t let people get in your head. Just because they hate their jobs don’t let it ruin yours. And if you want to change everything and it makes sense that go. You can’t go back in time and change the clock but you can get a few time outs to figure out your next play. You can either exist or do something great. Do something great…

