Being Different is a Good Thing

Own who you were meant to be

Andrea Howell
Ascent Publication


Photo by Atikh Bana on Unsplash

I’ve always known that I was different ever since I was a child. I couldn’t help but to effortlessly be the odd one out. Growing up, this made me upset. I wanted to be cool and fit in like the other kids. But as I grew older, I realized how much I actually love being different. I embrace my individuality now! I love it and it’s what makes me, well, me!

So why is being different a good thing?

Well, because everyone is different anyway, so might as well be your own kind of different.

Being different makes you more fascinating

I truly feel that no one is actually boring. They’re being boring because that’s the side of themselves that they decide to show. We all have a weird side. Showing it makes you stand out, it draws more attention to you, and it makes people want to get to know you more. You’ll leave an everlasting impression on others just by simply being yourself. Isn’t that awesome?

You aren’t living to please others

When you are being your authentic self, that is called being different. You are your own person, so might as well be the person who you’re meant to be. It is so liberating and stress-free to just be yourself. It is so…



Andrea Howell
Ascent Publication

Freelance Writer 💭 AI-Enhanced Content Strategist 🤖 Humans first 🤝🏼 Stay up to date with the latest trends in AI Tech & Entrepreneurship💡