Caregiver Series

Besides the Young, the Old Folks Also Have Special Needs

Consider and think about this idea to keep the old folks healthy.

Sally Cheung
Finding Zen
Published in
3 min readJul 29, 2019


I say this with all due respect and with utter sincerity: I may not have kids but as a caregiver to my elderly 70sh parents, it’s sometimes a blurred line.


  • Taking them to the doctors for follow-up visits is absolute made-for-reality-TV stuff. Because during their weigh-ins, I’m either wincing at each weight gain or cheering when poundage is lost.
  • Doing the long distance driving to visit out-of-town family in NYC. It’s an absolute joy to have to drive with two senior citizens who’re either complaining about their backsides going numb or constantly wondering if we’re there yet.
  • Holding their hands when we cross the street together. No further explanation needed for this one.
  • Exercising extreme patience when they gripe at me for getting them caught up on their immunization shots.

Yup, you read that last one right.

Special Care for Senior Citizens

In the last few years as their caregiver, let me just say that things I never once considered… well, I’m now…



Sally Cheung
Finding Zen

I’m a woke non-bald, slightly anxious Zen Buddhist caring for a curmudgeon Zen Master and an Asian foodie Zen Mum. Blogger. Podcaster.