Building Positive Experiences

Michael Patanella
Ascent Publication
Published in
4 min readSep 29, 2018

We all want to live a life that flourishes with positive experiences, that give us daily days of joy. It’s what we have been naturally built for. However, most of us have developed enough logic into adulthood where we are able to reason, and understand the fact that, life is simply not that way. There would be very little realism in our lives, if things were a 24 hour a day pink cloud.

I’ve said it many times, I believe for at least myself, I have gained many of my deepest learning experiences, from struggles and negative battles I’ve had to face.

Once we are able to dissect the lessons learned from the tough times, we are then able to decipher how we can turn negative into positive. Once we have a base set for positive experiences, we can really see if any positive experiences can be built stronger and higher. And if so, how can that be done?

When trying to build positive experiences, we first must start to look at things in a short term and long term way. We are bound to always have both types, but it’s still a good idea to make a comparison, and be sure that we have a clear understanding of what a short term positive experience is, and what a long term one is.

First, for Positive Experiences, let’s look at short term. That’s defined as the positive experiences that we are able to do right at this moment. Joyful day to day experiences that can just make our day. Sometimes even make our hour.

The little things that can happen throughout the day that we are able to consider as ways we are rewarding ourselves for things we may deserve. The options are endless. It’s certainly important, to give ourselves a few moments, a few experiences each day. Something we can look at as making us happy. It’s important for that “Me Time.”

If you’re struggling to figure out some exact ideas, then spend a few moments in spare time, and make an actual list. Once a few things are written down, decide if they’re reasonable or realistic, and practice mindfulness, in being sure to make a choice each day from that brainstorming.

Give yourself a small, short term reward each day. In turn, you’ll see that increasing positive experiences has begun.

Now, let’s look at increasing long term positive experiences. This isn’t normally something with instant results. Let’s remember, that to do this right, we are likely building a few building blocks each day, that over time, can contribute to the long term.

If we decide to begin working on our overall health everyday, starting now. We will definitely have potential for long term positive experiences from that, if we stick to the health plan. Both in healthy eating, and exercise. This is also a time to begin changing a distracted mind. One that merely daydreams.

Let’s begin to see that the realistic baby steps that will pay off. A representation of strong will, and determination. Work on repairing any relationships that may need it.

Begin being a strong, positive anchor for your family. Plan now, for financial security later. Believe me, this can all be great steps, towards solidifying long term positive experiences.

With that all in mind, I say to just remember the lessons of Mindfulness. It can be so difficult to keep it fresh in our minds. The practice of keep these plans strong, and able is a process that we will someday be thankful to ourselves for. We all want to build, strengthen and increase our chances for having quality positive experiences. Ones with substance. One’s that will lift up our lives, when there’s other parts of life going tough.

When all we’re doing is dwelling on, or exaggerating future problems, or problems even today, it’s a must that our mindfulness catches it, and we get the opportunity to refocus.

Don’t numb out worries or problems. Often times, we do have to tend to those as well. Just don’t allow them to backstep, and take over all of your concentration away from the happiness.

We can be so quickly sucked back into the negative world, that in no time, we can be further away from positive experiences then we ever were before.

It happens in the blink of an eye. However, we now know, that it doesn’t have to.



Michael Patanella
Ascent Publication

Author, Publisher, and Editor. I cover mindfulness, mental health, addiction, sobriety, life, and spirituality among other things.