Time Chunking Will Double Your Productivity

The time-management technique that helped me establish a routine and reignited my confidence.

Rachel Renee
Ascent Publication


Photo by Nate Johnston on Unsplash

Productivity is quite personal.

The concept of productivity is unique to each of us, but the principle stays the same — just how effective are we at getting stuff done?

Being productive gives us a sense of achievement and forward progress.

I’d been a list person my entire life — assuming us “list people” were basically productivity geniuses because we know how to create lists and cross shit out.

But what happens when we’re doing everything on our list — and we’re barely holding it together — still feeling like we’re spinning our wheels? Or, what about those days we accomplish only half of our very detailed to-do list?

If you’re like me, that’s when we scrap the original list and create a new one for the rest of our day — convinced the first one was far too aggressive.

When we made that list this morning — how on earth did we think we’d be able to get all of that done?

If we’re honest — our list-making makes us feel productive — but just creating lists of tasks isn’t providing us with the critical time-management we need to actually get it…

