Change Your Attitude, Change Your Life

Daily habits for a satisfying life

Andrea Howell
Ascent Publication


Do you know what’s amazing about being alive? We simply have the opportunity to live!

But unfortunately, many people aren’t really living, they are just existing. We shouldn’t have to be alive just to exist, we should be alive to live our lives. We are so lucky to be here and it can be easy to forget that.

Life is too short to dread your days and only look forward to the weekends.

You want to be living your life to it’s absolute fullest because this is the only life you’ve got. So you might as well make it as wonderful as you can, right?

Well, lucky for you, you can have a wonderful life and it’s ultimately up to you to decide. You can either chose to see the bad in life, or you can choose to see the good in life. It’s that simple.

Here are some habits you can get into to increase your chances of having better days.

1. Start Your Days With Getting Your Mind Right

Mornings are super important. How you start your morning sets the tone of the rest of the day.

If you want to have a good day, it all starts with your attitude.

“The only difference between a…



Andrea Howell
Ascent Publication

Freelance Writer 💭 AI-Enhanced Content Strategist 🤖 Humans first 🤝🏼 Stay up to date with the latest trends in AI Tech & Entrepreneurship💡