Change Your Perception, Change Your Reality

3 simple ways to start taking small steps towards meaningful change

Ascent Publication


Photo by Serrah Galos on Unsplash

When we spend the majority of our time and energy looking for someone or something it becomes all too easy to lose sight of who we are.

Life can quickly become a game of wait and see versus go and get because it’s much easier to focus on the distraction of our search than it is to deal with the feelings or memories we’re suppressing with it. It’s like continuously trying to get that stupid puzzle piece to fit — the one that refuses to settle in no matter which way you flip it, turn it, rotate it, bend it, or do whatever to it because clearly, it’s the wrong piece, but you just keep at it anyway.

You can’t force yourself into a box you were never meant to fit in.

When all you do is run from your reality, or run for something other than yourself, you’ll come to find out that your tank of gas runs out much faster than expected.

Suddenly you find yourself stuck in the middle of nowhere, wishing you’d listened to that little voice in your head telling you to stop 20 miles back to re-evaluate and refuel — but you didn’t, and you never do.

How long have you been running? And what from?



Ascent Publication

streams of conscious thought put into words, hopefully into actions.