Thriving In The Energy

Three weeks of a channeling workshop have toppled me and my world view.

Christian Schoor
Ascent Publication
6 min readNov 2, 2019


Photo by Haley Lawrence on Unsplash

Summary, very factual: The seminar consisted of guided meditations and exercises in smaller groups, later with the full group of participants. Many of the meditations were working with the chakras and other parts of the ethereal body. Visualization was a widely used tool. We were communicating with invisible beings.

Summary, not so factual: A life-changing experience! I went from being completely lost, massive inner conflicts and uncertainty to confidence, a new understanding of the world around me and myself, inner peace, and strength (well, not completely, yet). Ah, and we were communicating with invisible beings.

The full dose of it

When I talk to my friends or other people about my channeling experience, I usually start with a question:

‘Do you believe in the existence of your soul?’

If they are religious, that mostly goes with a yes. If not, it depends. If yes, I proceed to ask:

‘Do you believe in reincarnation?’

If no, I say ‘Let’s assume…’. Anyway, then I give them the full dose of challenging and expanding their world view. It goes like this:

‘Okay, so then be advised that these three dimensions we are living in are not the whole of the world’ (Actually, I always want to say creation, but my former atheistic part still interferes).

‘There are more dimensions, at least six in total, and all of them are buzzing with life. Not life as we know it but life nevertheless. Our five senses are incapable of perceiving those forms of life. The two additional senses we, as human beings, actually possess, have been buried and shut off from access by our parents, our education, and by society in general. Look at young children! Two-thirds reportedly have an invisible friend between the age of one and seven. There exists a multitude of psychological explanations and theories for this phenomenon, but I say: They really sense that being! Our kids, contrary to us adults, still have access to their additional senses.’

‘Not only are there more dimensions and beings ‘up there’ but also is our 3D-environment, this whole planet, bursting with conscious life. Trees, rivers, mountains, the earth herself, the moon and the other orbs, animals, stones, the elements have a consciousness and can be contacted. The world is so much bigger, wider, so much more than I have thought before that I am sincerely amazed, still now!’

‘And I have learned to reactivate my lost senses, I have learned to connect to the beings around and above me. Above, that is,…, well, you know the ancient gods, like Shiva, Thor, Osiris? Those, for example, can be contacted. Others are the angels, arch-angels preferably, like Gabriel, Rafael, or Michael’ (My religious friends seem to digest that easier).

And then there are entities called the Ascended Masters of whom many have spent at least one or more incarnations on earth as humans. As human beings, they managed to gain so much consciousness that they were able to ascend to the higher dimension. Yes, Buddha is one of them, Jesus another. I have been talking to them, let them speak through me. That is what channeling means. Being a channel, a mouthpiece. By the way, we are gods, too. Containing and made up of a godly spark which is our soul. As human beings, we have godly potential, a tremendous creative power, if we believe in it. If we understand and accept that ‘we are’, that saying ‘I am’ is the key to this part of us. Love is the fuel of this power, without self-doubt or hesitation.’

That is one aspect of my experience.

Healings and feelings

Another piece is that I have healed a lot during those three weeks. I have descended deep down into the caves of my sub-consciousness and integrated traumata and dark parts of me. I have gained insights into my very being. I can now see the joke hidden in my name. It is just a role I play. A role, cluttered with attributes and images explaining who I am, how I am. A role that I defend tooth and nail. It is amusing.

The more curious amongst my listeners keep asking me how it feels to channel. I then try to describe the feeling when I open up my seventh chakra and give space to the Ascended Master, how each of them feels unique, how I sound and talk differently depending on the ‘personality’ of the entity I am channeling. Some of them fit with my energy or harmonize well with some aspect of me. Others I can hardly feel or let through. Helios has been impossible for me so far. Buddha is like a very soft breeze. Anloakan is a sledgehammer, a very strict, demanding, yet loving warrior-priest who knows my fears but also knows that I will overcome them. Jesus goes right into my heart, shattering the defenses I built due to old pain. Lao Tse stirs the philosopher in me. When Shakti comes, I start to smile, and my body begins to sway slightly left to right, reveling.

What I found even more impressive were the devas, the different consciousnesses of parts of nature. They feel very particular, and their view of the world is — unique and remarkable. Below I want to express some of my experiences in my channelling sessions:

I am.
Flowing. Floating.
I am head and mouth.
Reminiscence of ancient glory.
Connected with the land.
Bound and restricted.
Angry. Patient. Accepting.
I am life. I am death.
I give and take.
I am energetic, brutal, crushing when passing the cataracts.
I am silent, massive, peaceful when passing the temples.
I am the change of the seasons.
I am rhythm.
Floating. Flowing.
I am.

The River Nile

I feel the pulse.
The lifeblood streams through my whole body,
from bottom to top,
in slow, massive waves.
My head feels dizzy.
I am slowly swaying in the wind.
My arms feel caressed from the softest touch.
I have so much to give.
My branches are bowing, heavy from the nuts.
My feet are tingling.
Life is buzzing around my roots.
Myriads of beings around me.
I am connected.
With the mother.
I am part of her.

The old Chestnut Tree in front of the seminar hotel

I can see the energy. I can see the flows. A gigantic sphere of swirling blue stretches over the place. A brilliant beam of light stands in the center, reaching down to Mother Earth and up into the skies. Other colors appear in the streams of power. Dragon, fairy, elf, elemental, animal, and plant, all colors mix. They are dancing through the sphere contributing to the magic. Guarding. Nourishing. Celebrating.

The Deva of the Blueberry Wood (Bavaria, Germany)

Use at your own risk

I recommend this channeling experience to everybody. It is highly refreshing.

I was an atheist before, except for a slight belief in the universe itself and a little knowledge of Buddhist concepts. Now I have reactivated my spiritual part.

I was lost, depressed from the reality as I perceived it. Traumatized from the craziness of the world around me, from the monotonous, cruel, compassionless rat race around me. I was trying to find a place in that inferno.

I couldn’t. Now I literally see the light at the end of the tunnel. I have found the source and the sense of my being. I have found confidence and acceptance. Now I can live my own life, write my own story.

The doubts and fears are slowly diminishing. Being aware of them, I face them and make them disappear, one by one, slowly. I am different now. I feel guided. I am connected with everything. I feel the responsibility, but there is no pressure. And I can go on as if newly born.



Christian Schoor
Ascent Publication

Passionate Generalist. Shouting out loud the wake up call for humankind. It is time for action. Topics are Self, Spirituality, Agriculture, System Change.