Clarity Day

Part 4: Our journey into minimizing

Christine Denker
Ascent Publication


Photo by Karl JK Hedin on Unsplash

***Note: If you’ve been following our journey into minimizing, you know we are in the process of putting our home on the market and downsizing. If you haven’t and want to catch up, head over here and then come back.

“It’s clarity day,” my husband chimed as we headed out the door.

“Yep, we’re about to get some clarity,” I said back.

We were both unsure of our statements, but by saying them out loud it clearly meant it would happen…right?

After meeting with our realtor the previous day, we had one appointment set up to look at a one-bedroom villa in a part of Omaha (NE) called Aksarben Village that we have been gunning for when we started tinkering around with the idea of downsizing a year ago. We had another appointment set up to look at a two-bedroom apartment in West Omaha that was attractive for our respective commutes to work.

One locale would provide a lot of fun with hot spots within walking distance, a private entrance and garage leading right up to our living space. The other locale boasted a shorter commute and within a few minutes of businesses we frequently visit.

Decisions, decisions.

“A fork in a footpath in the middle of a forest” by Jens Lelie on Unsplash

We went to the first appointment in Aksarben Village. We were very familiar with the property complex as we had toured several apartments and villas there. It already felt like home as we met with our leasing consultant for the fourth time in the last few months.

We looked at the villa that would soon open up and there was a lot to like about it, but…

You guessed it, no clarity.

We headed to the second appointment and looked at the two-bedroom apartment which was very nice and had a lot of space.

Still no clarity.

And then for whatever reason, my husband asked if there was a one-bedroom model we could view.

That idea had not even crossed my mind.

Photo by Diego PH on Unsplash

We had discussed the villa and two-bedroom apartment, because I was asking my husband to downsize from a 2,300 square foot home to a living space of 1,000 square feet or less. So when he made the request, I stopped dead in my tracks.

We walked into the model one-bedroom apartment, and it happened. We fell in love with the space. The floor plan was about as perfect as it could be for us, and even though it was 835 square feet it felt right.

It felt like, you know, clarity. :)

What’s next?

As I write, we are putting the finishing touches on our home as it will officially be on the market in two days. Our realtor put a sneak peek out there, and it has already garnered some traffic as there will be four showings in two days.

Maybe we will have even MORE clarity soon. Stay tuned!

Thanks for reading this piece! I’m an elementary school counselor by day and a writer 24/7. I write about everyday experiences with a positive twist, because that’s how I roll. If my vibe resonates with you, check out my blog Everyday Life Uncluttered and sign up for my newsletter GTI Wednesday. You can find them both here.



Christine Denker
Ascent Publication

Podcaster, Writer, Adventure Seeker, and Educator. Always pursuing my true North.