Coping With Type-2 Diabetes at 24

My journey through my diagnosis, and what I learned from it

Shawn Laib
Ascent Publication


Photo by Kate on Unsplash

I started noticing some time during January of this new year that I could barely go more than about two hours without having to use the bathroom to urinate. I had just assumed that it was because I was drinking a lot of fluids.

Why was I drinking more liquid throughout the day? Who knows. I was sure it wasn’t a problem to worry about. After all, the doctor had always told me that I didn’t drink enough during my everyday living, so I was probably just reaching the fluid intake that I was always supposed to in the past and my body was acting accordingly. But this new bathroom schedule sure was becoming a harassment on my daily life. I felt like an old retiree who had a worn-out bladder and needed to do some core exercises to make up for the problem.

Next came the fact that the outer parts of my hands kept falling into a tingly state when I would lay in a certain position on the couch or bed, sometimes taking a few hours to return to normal after waking up in the morning. I thought I probably just had poor circulation, or that I needed to readjust the way I was positioned while relaxing and resting. But the fear did start creeping in that my body was starting to act in ways I wasn’t used to.



Shawn Laib
Ascent Publication

University of Washington Class of 2020 in English Literature and fan of video games and basketball. Twitter: @LaibShawn