Critical Skills needed for the workforce.

Sriram Srinivasan
Ascent Publication
Published in
2 min readJul 15, 2017

World Economic Forum has published a report on the critical skills that everyone should have to be relevant in the job market. As the way things are changing around the world, I agree with WEF on these key skills and feel that everyone should be given an opportunity to get trained and get ahead in their career.

These seven skills are in addition to your core competency. If you are in IT, technology will be your core competency, right? Your core competency surrounded by these key skills will make you most valuable in your career. Let’s accept the hard truth that our current way of working, our mindset should change drastically to get ready for the new wave of jobs. We can achieve this with the help of continuous learning and practice.

Now, let’s see the key changes that are already happening


  1. Boss — Subordinate to Independent, Self-starter
  2. Individual worker to Collaborative worker
  3. Fixed mindset to Adaptable mindset
  4. Order Taker to Self-Managing
  5. Employee to entrepreneurial individual
  6. Dependent to Resourceful
  7. Process-based thinking to creative thinking

The above-mentioned changes are already being expected from a prospective employee.

Don’t worry or get overwhelmed by the required steep learning curve. We eat an elephant one bite at a time. I am Sriram Srinivasan will be there with you until the end and help you to take right-sized bites.

Come let’s start eating that elephant.



Ascent Publication
Ascent Publication

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Sriram Srinivasan
Sriram Srinivasan

Written by Sriram Srinivasan

Developer (JavaScript Stack), Blogger — Tech and Business