Darren Hardy Punched Me In The Kisser

Kevin Wilson
Ascent Publication
Published in
4 min readJan 15, 2019

If there was an award for “greatest consumption of success advice” I believe I may stand a fighting chance of delivering that long winded acceptance speech I have been preparing over the years.

I’m truly honored, thank you, wow, thank you, you are too kind. My god you are too much. Thank you. And a very special thank you to Darren Hardy for punching me in the kisser all those years ago….couldn’t have done it without you bud.

But alas, I’ll never give that speech, because there is no award for reading about success.

Hell there is no award for thinking about success or planning for success. No one want’s to hear an acceptance speech from a professional mental masturbator that never actually did anything with the knowledge they consumed.

No one cares what you are planning to do. They only care that you do it.

There is an awful lot of success advice floating around out there in the universe right now. Some of it is decent. Most of it is garbage. And a very small percentage of it is ancient sage wisdom passed down from the great oracles of time immemorial.

And now you’re probably wondering which type of success advice this is. Well, you my friend are in for a treat because this is that ancient sage shit.

But there’s a catch. You have to actually do the work to make it work. You can’t just skim through the article and then go back to daydreaming your way to the future. You and I both know how that turns out.

So if you’re committed to doing the work then keep reading. If not, don’t bother.

The Compound Effect

The biggest hurdle to overcome on your path to success is staying the course when there are no tangible results.

There is no overnight success.

If you just quickly glanced over that last sentence please do yourself a favor and take a moment to ruminate on those words. There is no overnight success.

Do not make the mistake of believing that you are the exception to this rule. If you do make this mistake, you will never become successful.

I have been there. I have trapped myself in the delusion of instant gratification and it always leads straight to failure. I have given up countless times when success did not just miraculously fall into my lap. And because of this I have missed out on countless opportunities for success.

And that’s why it hurt so damn bad when Darren Hardy reached through the pages of “The Compound Effect” and punched me right in the kisser. Turns out that the truth does actually hurt. Especially since Hardy’s entire message is founded on the value of consistency. A word and a principle I knew nothing about.

So what’s the ancient secret to success?


The ability to show up and do the work every single day. No matter what.

Sounds simple right? But it’s not easy. That’s what Hardy would say.

And that’s why not everyone will be be successful. Because not everyone is willing to to show up and do the work every single day. No matter what.

No excuses. No whining. No bullshit. Just consistency.

The universe doesn’t reward those who merely dabble in their craft. In fact it feels more like being tortured when you choose to randomly show up to develop your brand, business, company or product.

Why? Because you never get enough compound momentum to jump the hurdle that is keeping you from seeing tangible results for your efforts.

So you just keep spinning your wheels and starting from scratch every single time you come back to the drawing board. Slowly but surely this will erode your trust in yourself. Just imagine what it is doing to those who are watching this cycle from the outside. They are losing trust in you as well.

But you can fix this problem. There is a solution.

It’s simple, but it’s not easy.

You can learn to develop that deep trust in yourself. You can gain the trust of those who are on the outside looking in.

It starts right now. It starts by making a personal commitment to yourself. A commitment to show up and do the work every single day. No matter what.

I don’t know how you define success. What I do know however, is that without consistency, you will never experience it.

Maybe it hurts, but just maybe this is the punch in the face you need to get consistent in your journey.



Kevin Wilson
Ascent Publication

Writer. Artist. Thinker? Human. — Living Life and Sharing Discoveries Along The Way.