Digital Detoxes Don’t Work — Try This Instead

Digital detoxes are like fad diets —providing fast fixes rather than long term change. Fortunately, there’s a better way to change your digital lifestyle.

Micah McGuire
Ascent Publication


Image Credit: fizkes via Bigstock

In today’s age of distraction, the phrase “I’m going on a digital detox” has become as common as “I’m going on a diet.”

As an American Council on Exercise-certified health coach who’s spent the last three years counseling clients in a cognitive-behavioral therapy-based weight management clinic, I know a bit about diets.

And as I started researching the effects screen time has on weight (because “sitting’s the new smoking”), I realized how much time I spent staring at a screen. So I began searching for a way to manage my digital life.

Inevitably, I came across the digital detox.

Digital detoxes are like fad diets. They both prey on our desire for a magic bullet-something that will solve all of our problems all at once. But whether its weight or tech addiction, no magic bullet works in the long term.

Want a solution with a little more staying power? Read on.

The Fad Diet and the Digital Detox: Why They Don’t Work



Micah McGuire
Ascent Publication

Writer, ACE-certified health coach, major productivity geek.