Discovering and Marketing Your Hidden Talent

Lessons learned for discovering and using hidden talents

La Dolce Vita Diary 🎉
Ascent Publication


One day I discovered I could sing. I was always too shy to sing loud enough for anyone to hear me, for fear of judgment… worrying people in earshot would be thinking who’s that singing off key?

It’s funny how your thoughts and singing can be more clear in the shower. Because you’re free of judgment in the shower so you don’t hold back.

One day I was singing in the shower. I was trying to learn lyrics to an Eagles song. No two verses are the same in this song about immigrants.

The meaning of the song meant something to me. I could never remember lyrics before. But this song’s lyrics started to stick.

And I thought I was good enough in that moment to actually sing along with them.

And I remembered that a stranger once told me I had the ability to sing.

Prior, my singing was flat or was off pitch or both. And it didn’t sound like me or with any personality. So I kept my singing private. It kept me entertained in the car and when I heard a good song to sing along to.

Then I discovered this little tweak that made a difference to my singing to myself, better.



La Dolce Vita Diary 🎉
Ascent Publication

My latest published articles are found at: -Love Over Ego For Extraordinary Life -Mind the Gap For Happiness -How to Be Humble…