Discovering Worthiness

Nancy Churchill
Ascent Publication
Published in
2 min readMar 21, 2018

“It is difficult to make a man miserable while he feels worthy of himself, and claims kindred to the great God who made him.”

~ Abraham Lincoln

Because of my people pleasing habit, I have always felt unworthy. This deep inner fear of not being good enough stems from the belief that my worthiness was based on accomplishments.

From the behavior of others, I got indirect messages like “Do these things, stand on your head for me… and then, for a few minutes, I’ll be proud of you. Take a wrong step, spill the milk, and I’m not talking to you.” It was conditional love in action.

Only recently have I begun to discover my own worthiness. I’m learning to stay connected to Source — the real parent, who created me. I am a child of God. I am wonderfully made. And my Higher Parent loves me unconditionally. Nothing is withheld.

I am worthy… I know that I am an extension of Source Energy. I know that I have access to the Power that creates worlds. I simply have to remember to plug into that power every day.

I am so worthy that I have access to Infinite Intelligence. I access that Intelligence when I pray and meditate. I have been given the power to create my own reality. When I accept my power and my worthiness, creating my new reality becomes exciting and fun.



Nancy Churchill
Ascent Publication

Writer, CoDependent, and Fellow Traveler. Student of the Twelve Steps and the Law of Attraction. I’m on Instagram at “paradeofgood” and “nancydchurchill”.