Don’t Complain About Being Single, Embrace It Instead

Being single is actually pretty awesome

Angela M Ward
Ascent Publication


I used to think of my singleness as a minus, rather than a plus.

I would complain to my mother about how tired I was of waiting for someone. I would daydream about my meet cute (the staple moment in romantic comedies when two characters meet for the first time). I would think about my situation and how much I wished it would change.

Photo by Kyle Broad on Unsplash

But nothing changed…and why would it? I was wasting so much of my energy and time dwelling on what I thought was a less than ideal situation. I only ended up making myself more miserable by thinking about it.

How My Mindset Changed

After a few years though, my dissatisfaction gradually faded. As I grew older, I became more interested in my studies. As I neared the end of university, all of my focus centered around what I would do after graduation. To narrow down the broad focus of my degree, I enrolled in a post-graduate college program after university.

My studies became my passion and I cared less about my relationship status. I had something in my…



Angela M Ward
Ascent Publication

Communications and digital marketing professional, interested in creativity, personal development and mindful living. Top Writer in Reading.