Don’t Let Working From Home Age You Prematurely

Your most important tool is yourself, so take care of it.

Tim Ebl
Ascent Publication
Published in
8 min readJan 14, 2021


Do you work from home? If you joined thousands of others that moved their work lives into their apartments and houses, then you know the challenges of staying productive and motivated enough to get the job done.

You might use more willpower to work from home than those that go to an office or workplace. There’s no boss enforcing your day-to-day routine. It can leave you mentally worn out.

It’s easy to flop on the couch and turn on the game system or zone out in front of the blinky box after you get your tasks done. There isn’t extra gas in the tank to make sure you take care of the body and mind too.

“I put my heart and my soul into my work, and have lost my mind in the process.” — Vincent Van Gogh

One month of working from home won’t set your physique and mind back too far. Three months might start to make your clothes fit differently.

After a full year of slacking off on the fitness, you’ll lose muscle mass from all of that sitting in front of screens with no motion.

Your brain can go to mush if you never see other people in the real world or give it…



Tim Ebl
Ascent Publication

I help busy guys lose the dadbod, get their energy back and feel 20 yrs younger!.