Don’t Lie to Yourself, You Do Have Time

Work-life balance is possible but it requires clear communication.

Trudy Horsting
Ascent Publication


Photo by Jaelynn Castillo on Unsplash

How you prioritize your time is a direct representation of what is important to you. At least, that’s how all of your friends and family see it when you say you “don’t have time” to visit. And quite frankly, they’re right.

I find myself saying “Sorry, I don’t have time” all too frequently. I say it in response to things I want to do, and to things I don’t. I say it to those I love and to those I’m just acquaintances with.

Here is what I’ve learned as I’ve witnessed some of my friendships dwindle because I’ve said no so much.

First, prioritizing yourself is not a bad thing by any means. But second, being candid about what is going on will ensure those you love don’t feel put on the back-burner and forgotten about like burnt rice.

How to Prioritize

There are many ways to prioritize tasks. I’m a big planner and I love making to-do lists.



Trudy Horsting
Ascent Publication

Writer. PhD Candidate. Frugal Traveler. Passionate about health, personal growth, and saving money.