Don’t Love Yourself.

Ok, I’ll admit it right now, that is a clickbait title.

Vinayak Shukla
Ascent Publication
2 min readJul 31, 2017


I don’t mean that in any way, I mean to say, don’t JUST love yourself.

I’ve hated myself to my core and I know what that feels like, trust me. To this very day, I feel I make bad life decisions (one of which led me to take up writing this article). I have to agree that we have to love ourselves, believe in ourselves because only then can we achieve what we want. What I mean to convey here is: Accept your flaws with your proficiencies.

Accept your dark past mistake that you still despise yourself for, it doesn’t make you bad, it makes you human.

Accept that you might not be as good at something as you thought, but that doesn’t mean you can’t grow, learn about it and get better, you just have to be willing to learn.

I often felt confused when I tried self-help books or articles online, they simply said 'Love Yourself’. How could I love myself when I had some qualities I hated? I had to find the answer myself and it took me quite a while to figure out, I had to work on myself. I had to learn, grow. The answer is to embrace the bad with the good. Recognize you aren’t perfect. Accept that you have, can and will make mistakes. Don’t try to be perfect, you can’t be. Embracing your negative traits gives you a sense of closure.

Loving yourself won’t solve all of your problems, but it will give you the sense of belief that you can survive anything life throws at you.

First article, please leave a review! ☺

