Don’t Tell Me What I Can’t Do.

Aleksa Narbutaitis
Ascent Publication
Published in
4 min readJun 22, 2017


“Only Wonder Woman can do it all. And all at once. And she isn’t real.”

This quote presented itself to me at a time in my life when I was consumed by my job.

I was totally losing touch with what actually mattered. My passions, my relationships, my health— they were all suffering.

When I read this quote, I illustrated it (drawing has always been a therapeutic practice of mine, even in those tough times), put it on my fridge, read it to myself every morning and every night and thought:

It’s OK. I can’t do it all. I’m not supposed to.

As much as this simple quote helped me (truly helped me) cope in that time period, it was a total freaking cop out.

Because I can do it all.

I can choose to make time for all the things that truly matter to me. All it takes is a bit of time management and a brand new perspective.

Time is a Gift.

Every single day we get a fresh 24 hours on the clock, and truly, we get to choose how to fill that time.

Most of our time is spent partaking in things that make us happy, that nourish us.

It’s in our nature to say yes to things that align with our interests, healthiness, happiness, what have you, and to avoid things that don’t.

Yet the latter choice often causes us to feel guilt. And if you’re anything like me, this guilt can sometimes be overwhelming.

We often feel that we “must” partake in things because it’s the right thing to do, or because it’s a networking opportunity, or because if we don’t, so-and-so might get upset.

I say, do you.

And don’t apologize for it.

Fuck the guilt.

If you’re putting your precious time towards something that doesn’t benefit you or your mindset, don’t apologize for walking away.

Don’t feel guilty for nourishing your own soul and choosing to spend your time differently than what might be on someone else’s agenda.

Your time is precious: it is no more or less valuable than anyone else’s.

It’s Your Choice.

I’m fortunate enough to be in a place right now where I not only enjoy my job, but work life balance is actually a thing.

And this, believe it or not, is not due to the nature of my job. It’s based on choices I make, and my perspective. And same can go for you.

For instance, I could choose to live my current life differently by staying at the office until 8pm, by not scheduling time with family and friends, and by spending what little free time I do have being unproductive. But instead I choose to organize my time, use it wisely (it’s precious, remember) and prioritize what’s truly important… to me.

Yes, I have to have a job to pay my bills and to live comfortably without financial woes.

Yes, there are days when I’m burning the midnight oil to finish a project.

Yes, work does sometimes consume me.

But every day I strive to be as productive as possible, leave my work at work, and make time for my relationships, my hobbies, myself.

Maybe it’s only because I’ve tasted 80+ hour work weeks, but I’m motivated as hell to stay in control of my time and to avoid falling into that rut again.

Never Work a Day in Your Life.

It’s true what they say about finding a job you love and never working a day in your life: I wake up every day and look forward to getting to the office. I look forward to crossing things off my to-do list. I look forward to the daily grind.

Once you find that… correction: once you choose that, stay in control of your schedule and promise yourself that you’ll engage in things that nourish your soul. What a sad life this would be if this weren’t an option. So choose.

There is truth in everything. So super heroes had to come from somewhere, right? Despite what you might think, you can do it all.

And you are real.

Aleksa Narbutaitis is the Creative Director at SimplyBe. Agency.

Join my #badassniche following on Instagram + Twitter: @alnarbuu.



Aleksa Narbutaitis
Ascent Publication

work life + life's work of type A creative director of @simplybeagency // @alnarbuu everywhere