Drop Your Identity Markers To Become Real

Create your identity by what you do rather than by affixing sticky labels

Grace Mary Power
Ascent Publication


Fishing in Kalbarri, Western Australia, 2011
The author fishing in Kalbarri, 2011. Photo provided by author.

Labels help us choose the right product off the supermarket shelf. Human beings also apply labels. This is okay in order to quickly and easily communicate, using socially and personally agreed-upon categories. We label ourselves, we label others, and others label us.

We can place identity markers on ourselves because of our perceptions of what others want or expect. Problems with creativity and growth arise when we identify too much with these or when we constrain ourselves to our comfortable identity markers. Drop your identity markers for a while and see what happens.

Identity markers are different expressions of who we are. These labels embody characteristics that have meaning to us and the society in which we exist. You may describe or identify yourself by your age, religion, nationality or citizenship or political persuasion or a mix of these.

Why and when do you use identity markers?

Your biography may use identity markers such as your vocation, hobbies, interests, character traits, or achievements.

We use identity markers as parts of structured groups of people, to allow us to zoom in on…



Grace Mary Power
Ascent Publication

Editor of Thirty over Fifty. I help you to care for yourself through spirituality and tech. We need both.