Every Challenge Is An Opportunity: Change The Way You Think About Problems And Always Come Out On Top

Peter Burns
Ascent Publication
Published in
11 min readDec 27, 2019


A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty.” — Winston Churchill

Life is full of struggle. Sometimes it seems as if you can’t catch a break. Everything is going against you. Only if you had been born taller, richer, more handsome, or stronger, then things could have been easier.

Unfortunately, you got what you were dealt and there is no use in fretting about it. You have to work with what you got. However not everything depends on luck. There are many things that you can do to change your life around.

If you look at the lives of some of the most successful people, most of them had to struggle and work hard to get to where they are at. They took what they had and multiplied it a thousand times.

It is struggle that creates champions. Most people who have not had to overcome challenges in their lives end up being soft and spoiled. That’s why most offspring of successful rags to riches entrepreneurs, end up pissing away their fortunes. Instead of continuing the hard work of their fathers, they spend most of their time getting drunk and taking drugs.



Peter Burns
Ascent Publication

A curious polymath who wants to know how everything works. Blog: Renaissance Man Journal (http://gainweightjournal.com/).